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Saitech Inc offering Co-operative Purchasing Agreements Nationwide

Updated on February 22, 2021

Saitech, Inc. can offer you wide variety of Technology product & pricing under Approved Nationwide Contracting Vehicles.

  • CMAS: California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) by Department of General Services
    CMAS contract numbers: 3-17-70-3243C and 3-16-70-3243B
  • E-Rate:  Universal Service Administrative Company Schools and Libraries Program. Service Provider Identification number or
    SPIN ID: 143048361
  • GSA: Schedule 70 – 75 – IT Schedule 70 is an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ).
    Contract number: GS-35F-287GA
  • GSA: OS4 Office Supply Fourth Generation is a Best in Class for office supplies by the Office of Management and Budget.
    Contract number: 47QSEA20D007B
  • NASPO: ValuePoint Participating Agreement for California,
    Contract number: 7-17-70-40-05
  • NCPA: NCPA (National Cooperative Purchasing Cooperative)
    Contract number: 01-97
  • OMNIA: OMNIA Approved Partners –
    Contract: R200803

Since Covid-19 hit us all a year back, city and state revenues are dropping and budgets are tightening. In these pandemic times we are offering your esteemed agency an procurement options that are guaranteed to save you time, money and effort. At the same time, we are confident in offering technology solutions that meet and exceed your technical and budgetary expectations and constraints.

Any questions regarding Saitech, Inc.’s full cooperative agreements please contact:

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