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Symantec’s 2017 ISTR shows a spike in global threat activity

Updated on March 16, 2018

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In the last year we have seen a large spike in global threat activity. The 2017 Internet Security Threat Report(ISTR) looks at targeted attacks, email threats, web attacks, cyber-crime and ransom ware, along with IoT, mobile and cloud threats. These were the six key trends of the last year:

  • Targeted Attacks Shifted to Politically Motivated Sabotage and Subversion – Cyber criminals executed devastating attacks in a move to undermine a new class of targets.
  • Email Became the Weapon of Choice for 2016 – Malicious emails hit the highest rate in five years. One in 131 emails contained a malicious link or attachment.
  • Attackers Weaponized Commonly Used Software – 95% of PowerShell scripts found in the wild were malicious.
  • Americans Most Likely to Pay Ransom Demands – The average ransom rose to $1,077 and nearly a third of these attacks impacted businesses.
  • Cracks in the Cloud– Most CIOs thought their companies used 30-40 cloud apps, when in reality it was 928.
  • IoT Devices Attacked Within Two Minutes of Connecting to the Internet – Many IoT manufacturers follow poor security practices, including bad password management and out-of-date software that can’t be updated.


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Saitech Inc. is an authorized Symantec Partner.

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