Hard Drives

Which PNY SSD is right for you?

Updated on December 19, 2013

PNY Technologies has come along way since it introduced its first SSD in 2007. Since then, PNY has greatly improved their solid state drive technology and released better and better models. With the advent of their XLR8 Series and Prevail Series, PNY wanted to provide high quality memory SSD’s to all levels of the market. They were the first few to utilize the 25nm Intel enterprise grade MLC synchronous NAND flash memory in their consumer SSD’s. This translates to crazy endurance levels that was not seen in the average consumer SSD. The XLR8 series is aimed to serve as the Premium level for Light Home / Office use. The Prevail Series is aimed to serve as the Computer Grade for Business / Professional use, and the Prevail Elite Series serve as the Enterprise Grade for Intensive Storage Loads. Basically the XLR8 Series is aimed at consumer use while the Prevail series is aimed at workstation, server, and networking use.

Each SSD is highlighted by its reliability, accelerated performance, lower power operations, durability, and overall efficiency. The Prevail Series and XLR8 Series carry endurance ratings of 10K and 3K Program/Erase cycles respectively(as noted in the following diagram), and they’re both backed by the PNY Endurance Promise.

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PNY SSD Highlights

Table of Contents

PNY Specifications

PNY SSD’s are powered by the SandForce SF-2200 controllers. These controllers make it possible for the SSD’s to have 550MB/s sequential read speeds and 520MB/s sequential write speeds. Data is coming in and out a lot faster than your conventional hard disk drive.

XLR8 Series
PNY XLR8 Series

The XLR8 Series offers one of the best performance to cost ratio for consumers. Coming in the market at a price of $259.99 for the 240GB SSD on PNY’s website, it comes close to the $1.00/GB threshold at approximately $1.08/GB. Other resellers and distributors are selling these SSD’s under the $1/GB barrier. The SSD market has been making strides in lowering costs for SSD’s, really benefiting consumers and companies that are transitioning to or maintaining their IT infrastructure with SSDs. The XLR8 series offer long lasting high performance that caters to all your gaming, video and photo applications, and system performance needs.

Prevail Series
PNY Prevail and Prevail Elite Series

The PNY Prevail Series offers amazing performance  and endurance for an enterprise class storage drive. The Prevail Elite Series is the model that carries the 10K rated flash endurance life. It’s designed for “lower latency, faster boot up and application launching” and its lower power design and flash endurance makes it ideal for workstation, server, and networking infrastructures.

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So, the question is, which PNY SSD is right for you?

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